by outofmydepths
17 minutes read

Thus we see the Apostles of Jesus Christ put it upon Christians to keep the Law of God, and Christ himself beareth witness to the Law: for God will never justify sin to be no sin, though he will justify the person of a sinner.
Now as the Lord Jesus giveth the Law, and as it were reneweth it, so he doth also give his Spirit unto his servants, enabling them to keep it, Jeremiah 31:33, Ezekiel 36:27, I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my Statutes, and ye shall keep my Judgements, and do them. And again, I will put my Law in their hearts, and write it in their inward parts. Now this Law would he not write in the hearts of his people, nor give unto them his holy Spirit enabling them to keep his Law, were it not his will in Jesus Christ, that the Law should be the rule of holiness and righteousness unto his people: hence it is, that the children of God, though they be not under the Covenant of the Law, yet take themselves to be bound to the obedience of it; for if Jesus Christ have given the Law, as well as Moses, and if he have ratified it by giving them his Spirit, to teach and strengthen them to keep it, though not perfectly yet sincerely, then they take themselves bound to obey the Law, though they be under the Covenant of Grace; for do we make void the Law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the Law. For what need have Christians of free Justification by Christ, if they were not bound to obedience by the Commandment of the Law? Therefore the free Justification of men under a free Covenant of Grace, doth establish the obedience of the Law, otherwise what need they run to Christ to save them from the curse of the Law? Why do we still run to Christ for the continuance of our justification?

But that we find our selves ungodly creatures against the righteous and holy Law of God: therefore if God have given men the Law, and his holy Spirit to strengthen them in the obedience of it, and his grace to save them from the curse of it; then Christians are to know that they are bound to keep the Law; they lie under the authority of it, and dare not pluck their necks from under that yoke.

Now, there are two Effects springing from the subjection of God’s people to the Commandment of the Law.

1. As they take themselves bound to the obedience of it; so they believe, and many times feel the fatherly displeasure of God, when they transgress the Law: now the transgression of the Law could not bring them under God’s displeasure, unless they were bound unto the Commandment of the Law: this displeasure David was sensible of, Psalm 38:1,2,3, &c, There is no soundness in my flesh because of thine anger, neither is there any rest in my bones because of my sin. And many complaints of like nature doth he there make, which do all of them spring from the conscience of the disobedience of the Law, which God hath framed in the hearts of his servants, whereby they reflect upon their sin as the ground of all the distempers which lie upon their bodies or minds. This is the first effect of the subjection of God’s people to his Law: they lie under the faith and fence of the danger of the disobedience of it.

2. They are under the faith and fence also of God’s gracious acceptance of their ways, when they are suitable to the blessed directions of his Word; not that they can raise there from the assurance of their justified estate, but by the same Spirit of God, whereby they are helped to obey the Commandment, they do see the Lord’s gracious approbation of them in their poor and weak endeavours: for the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous; that is, acknowledgeth, and approveth it, Psalm 1:6, when the Lord by his Spirit boweth the hearts of his servants to obedience, then he knoweth and accepteth their obedience; Genesis 22:12, Now I know that thou fearest me, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me: thus the Lord beareth witness to his servants that he doth accept their works; so that they sensibly know, and believe that the Lord doth acknowledge their poorest and weakest endeavours, unto which they are carried forth by his Spirit in the obedience of his word: This the Prophet David confirmeth, Psalm 18:20, to 26. The Lord rewarded me according to my righteousness, according to the cleanness of my hands hath he recompensed me: for I kept the ways of the Lord, and have not wickedly departed from my God: for all his judgements were before me, and I did not put away his statutes from me; I was also upright before him, and kept myself from mine iniquity: therefore hath the Lord recompensed me according to my righteousness, according to the cleanness of my hands in his eye-sight: with the merciful, thou wilt show thyself merciful, and with the upright man thou wilt show thyself upright, Gc.

This David speaketh of his righteous dealing with Saul; and whereas his enemies laid it to his charge, that he was an enemy unto Saul, the Lord beareth him witness that he had walked toward Saul with a good conscience: now the Lord having led him an end to deal justly, and righteously, and purely with Saul, having kept him from all the malice and outrage of Saul, and maintained his cause against Saul, and delivered him out of the hands of Saul, whom the Lord had now rejected; herein the Prophet seeth the Lord accepting him, when in the name of his Son, by the power of his Spirit, he is helped to attend unto the Commandments of God. This is comfortable unto a Christian spirit, when the Lord beareth witness to his soul, that he hath all eye to all the Commandments of God. And all this argueth that the servants of God, being in a state of Grace in Jesus Christ, have looked at themselves as bound by the Commandments of the Law, and as being under the Law to Christ, who hath given the Law, and power unto his servants sincerely to keep it, both by writing in their hearts a law of obedience, and by putting his holy Spirit within them: for if the people God were not sensible of their bounden duty to the observation of the Law of God, they would neither have faith, nor sense of God’s fatherly displeasure when they negligently break these laws; neither would they be sensible of God’s acceptance of their conformity thereunto; but we know what the Apostle Paul saith, 2 Corinthians 1:12, For our rejoicing is this, the testimony of our Conscience, that in simplicity, and godly sincerity, not with fleshly wisdom, but by the grace of God, we have had our conversation in the world, Gc, and truly the Lord doth often bear witness unto the integrity of his servants against the oppositions of men; so he did to Abraham, to David, to Paul, and to sundry of the Saints of God: though the servants of God are not wonted thereupon to build their safe estate, yet this kind of God’s acceptance of their ways and obedience they do discern; yet in their best obedience, which they do perform, they see the need they have to go unto God for justifying Grace, because if they have failed in any one circumstance,mtheir best righteousness is polluted; therefore they have need of Jesus Christ to cover the failings of their most strict performances.

This Nehemiah was sensible of, when he had been very faithful in reforming the abuses of the Sabbath, and of many other Ordinances of God: and though the Lord hath helped him to undertake the reformation with much dexterity, and success; yet, for all this he runneth unto Christ for acceptance and pardon, Nehemiah 13:22, Remember me, O my God, concerning this, and spare me according to the greatness of thy mercy: and what would he have done if he had been conscious of some gross sin? He would then much more have run to the Lord Jesus. Thus the Law is established by Faith; for there is no justified person, but he is very apprehensive of his sins, and so of his continual need of Christ, whose blood cleanseth us from all sin, 1 John 1:7, and who is faithful and just to forgive our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness, verse 9, who is an Advocate if any man sin, and a propitiation for our sins, Chapter 2:1,2, and what do all these things argue? but that a Christian being under the Covenant of the Grace of God, doth submit himself unto this yoke of God. Thus far then a Christian is under the Law to Christ; so far as the Law is under Christ, he is under the Commandment of Christ, and under the power of Christ, and under the displeasure of Christ, if he negligently sin against the Law; and unto Christ he runneth for pardon, and cleansing, and unto Christ he cometh for acceptance of his obedience: so that he hath no use of the Law, but unto Christ, and in and under Jesus Christ.

But how is a Christian not under the Law?
So far forth as the Law is not under Christ; I mean, so far as it is without Christ freely justifying of us by his grace, so far a Christian is freed from under the Law. In one word, a Christian man under a Covenant of Grace, is not under a Covenant of Works; Romans 6:14, You are not under the Law, but under Grace: he meaneth, not under the Covenant of the Law, nor under the power and authority of the Law, as of their husband, Romans 7:1,2,3,4. The husbandly Jurisdiction of the Law is taken away; The Law is not made for a righteous man, 1 Timothy 1:9, that is, not the Covenant of the Law, for else we are under the Commandments of the Law to Christ, but the Jewish Teachers taught more, to wit, the Covenant of the Law unto Salvation: not but that the Law is good, if a man use it lawfully; he meaneth the Covenant of the Law: but how shall a man use it lawfully?

For it is not given unto a righteous man; but he reckoneth up the breakers of every Commandment, and unto them it is given; to the lawless, and disobedient; to the ungodly, and sinners; to the unholy, and profane; to murderers of fathers, and murderers of mothers; to man-slayers, and whoremongers; and to them that defile themselves with man-kind; to men- stealers, to Iiars; to perjured persons, and if there be any other things that are contrary to sound Doctrine; the Covenant of the Law is given unto such (and unto none but such) to convince them of their sins against the Law, to humble them to the death, and to drive them out of themselves, and confidence in themselves. But how doth it appear that the Covenant of the Law is not given to the children of God? from hence it is manifest;

1. Because a Christian man neither looketh for Justification and Salvation from his Obedience to the Law, nor feareth Condemnation though he fail in his Obedience; and this is a fruit of his exemption from under the Covenant of the Law: For if a man should look for Life by his Obedience to the Law, and fear condemnation by the breach of it, this would bring a man under the Covenant of the Law; for the sanctification of the Covenant of the Law, is life to them that obey; and to them that disobey, death, and the curse. But a Christian looketh not for Life by his Obedience; and that is plain, Psalm 143:2, Enter not into Judgement with thy servant, for in thy sight shall no flesh living be justified. So Romans 3:20, By the deeds of the Law there shall no flesh be justified, for by the Law is the knowledge of sin: therefore no hope of Salvation from our Obedience to the Law.

But methinks (you will say) a Christian may fear his condemnation because of his Disobedience to the Law. Truly this is a great snare, and this Doctrine will be scandalous to many a poor soul, but without cause: Indeed, if God give a man to be under the Covenant of Grace, and not to see it, then he may fear; but if a man know himself to be under the Covenant of Grace, then he doth not fear condemnation from his disobedience: notable to this purpose is the confidence of David, Psalm 49:5, where the Prophet calleth upon all people in the world to take notice of it, Both men of high degree, and men of low degree: Wherefore should I fear in the days of evil, when the iniquities of my heels shall compass me about? wherefore?

Truly if there be any fear in the world, one would think this might procure it, what should a man fear, if nor this? David professeth it, and would have all to know it, that there is no cause therein why a Christian man should fear, Wherefore should I fear? &c. though it should follow you to the stocks, or to prison, yet there is no cause why it should make you fear: Men, that trust themselves in their wealth, and boast themselves in the multitude of their riches, none of them can by any means redeem his Brother, nor give to God a ransom for him, that he should live for ever, and not see corruption: had David had nothing but the wealth of his Kingdom, he might have feared well enough; but here is his confidence, verse 15, God will redeem my Soul from the power of the grave, for he shall receive me.

But will not this make a Christian wanton against God, and cause him to abuse his liberty to hardness of heart? no, no, brethren, this is the kindly melting of a godly heart, to consider a Redeemer’s love drawing him from the power of the grave, and that he should by his sins pierce the Lord Jesus Christ; this melteth his heart more then all his other sins, specially considering the abounding Grace of God, which where sin hath abounded, grace aboundeth much more: thus when a man doth not look for life by his own Righteousness, but knoweth the Redemption of souls to be more precious then so; this showeth a man not to be under a Covenant of Works, and then his very iniquity shall not make him afraid: there is such a state in Christianity, and let all men know it. But will it not make men think the worse of Christian profession? No, David will have all to know it, that they may see the difference between all worldly confidences, and the confidence of Christians; all their glory will leave them, to be like the Beasts that perish, and cannot redeem their souls, that the Lord only might be exalted.

2. As a Christian looketh not for Salvation by his obedience to the Law, nor feareth condemnation by his disobedience: so neither doth he seek for any blessing from his obedience, nor fear any curse from his obedience; he seeketh not for blessings from his obedience, and therefore if there be any promises of blessing made to any obedience, though God should help him to as much obedience as might be, he doth not look for any blessing from that obedience, Romans 4:4,5,6, To him that worketh, the reward is not reckoned of grace, but of debt; but to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted to him for righteousness, even as David describeth the blessedness of the man, unto whom God imputeth righteousness without works. He looketh not for his blessedness from his works; though he should perform all the conditions to which the promises are made, yet he expecteth all his blessings from free justification, and union with the Lord Jesus Christ: blessed is the man to whom the Lord imputeth not sin, this is the blessedness of Christians.

It is true, the Lord doth bless the workings of his servants, and accept them, Matthew 25:34,35,36, The King shall say unto them on his right hand: Come ye blessed of my father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you, from the foundation of the world: for I was an hungry, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and you gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: naked, and ye clothed me: sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. Thus Christ blesseth them: but they are not sensible of their good deeds, so as to expect blessings for their obedience sake, and therefore they make answer, and say, Lord when saw we thee an hungry, and fed thee; or thirsty, and gave thee drink? &c. neither do they fear the curse of God, or that their sins should separate them from God: those that are under the Law, are cursed indeed, if they do not continue in all things that are written in the Law to do them; but this curse is removed from the elect by Jesus Christ.

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