by outofmydepths
7 minutes read

3. The Spirit of God doth not only keep these gifts for us, and act them in us; but it is the same Spirit of God that witnesseth to these gifts, and showeth what gifts he hath given us; for such is the blindness of the nature of all the Sons of men, and it is a wonder to see, that generally Christians when the Lord first worketh these gifts in them, not one of a thousand but they think they are in a sad and fearful condition, & so they are very uncomfortable: but now lest that we should always mistake that which the Lord hath given us, we have received the Spirit of God, that we might know the things that are freely given unto us by God, 1 Corinthians 2:12, he indeed taketh his own time to discover it, to some sooner, to some later; but this is his intendment, that he might honour his grace unto us, by all the rich and gracious gifts which he hath given us.

He doth also reveal unto us the duties which he helpeth us to do, Romans 9:1, I say the truth in Christ, I lie not, my conscience bearing me witness in the holy Ghost, That I have great heaviness, and continue sorrow in mine heart: For I could wish that myself were accursed from Christ, for my Brethren, my Kinsmen according to the flesh. The Holy Ghost that wrought in him this brotherly-love, the same Holy Ghost beareth him witness that he doth not lie; and that he had continual sorrow in his heart, and that he could have wished to have been accursed from Christ, that they might be saved? it grieved him so much that the whole Nation should be destitute of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Thus we see how great need there is of the Holy Ghost to dwell in us, to keep all the gifts of his grace in us, to act them according to his will, and to discover to us what gracious gifts the Lord hath wrought in us, and what duties he hath helped us to do, that we may be able to give account of them by the Holy Ghost that dwelleth in us, and beareth witness with us. So there is necessity both of the gifts of grace, that we may be fit Temples for the Holy Ghost to dwell in, and fit instruments for him to work by: there is need also the Holy Ghost should dwell in us, for the causes we have spoken unto.

And I might add this, to comfort us in all the changes that may come upon us: it is a strong Scripture which we read in John 15:26, When the comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me, (our Divines have no place of more clear evidence to prove the procession of the Spirit from the Father) both of what mighty redemption he hath wrought for us, and what grace he hath wrought in us. This the Holy Ghost shall testify, even he that proceedeth from the Father; this is the comfort of God’s people. Thus see both these points opened to us.

3. Question: How may we then employ and improve this Sanctification which the Lord hath given us, and which he keepeth and acteth in us by his Spirit, and whereunto he beareth witness? How, or to what end shall we employ it, seeing the Lord undertaketh to do these things for us?

Answer: If so be it, that the Lord Jesus Christ by his Spirit giveth us these gifts: It is our part then first to see that we do not rest in any sanctification, which doth spring from Christ, conveyed unto us by his blessed Spirit. The Spirit knitteth us unto Christ, and Christ unto us; he worketh faith in us to receive whatsoever the Lord giveth unto us, and by the same faith worketh all our holiness for us, 1 Corinthians 1:30, Christ is made unto us of God, wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption: therefore we are to see him principal author of all these things in us, and for us. This is the principal comfort of all, and the glory of all our safety; and so far as any of these lieth in our Sanctification, we ought to see that it be sanctification in Jesus Christ; and then it is sanctification in Jesus Christ, when the Lord giveth us to look unto the Lord Jesus in it, and to it in him; and as we look for our holiness to be perfect in Jesus Christ, so we look for continual supply of it from him: and this it is to make Christ our sanctification, when as whatsoever gift the Lord giveth us, we go not forth in the strength of it but in the strength of Jesus Christ.

There may be a change in the soul, which may spring from a spirit of Bondage, and may captivate our consciences unto the Law, that may restrain us from sin and constrain us unto duties: but such holiness springeth not from union with Jesus Christ; for there may be a conscience of duty, without sense of our need of Jesus Christ: as it was with the Israelites at Mount Sinai, Deuteronomy 5:27, Go thou near (say they to Moses) and hear all that the Lord our God shall say, and speak thou unto us, all that the Lord our God shall speak unto thee, and we will hear it and do it: they have well said, all that they have spoken, saith the Lord; O that there were an heart in them, that they would fear me! and so forth.

This I say, therefore, is the first thing to be attended unto; as ever you would make a right use of your holiness, see that it be such as floweth from Jesus Christ, and that there be not only an heart awed with the Law, but waiting upon Jesus Christ to be all in all in us, and to us: so shall we neither neglect the gifts of God in us, nor Christ, and his Spirit, but shall give their due honour unto all of them together.

2. This may also teach all Christians not to trust upon the gifts of their Holiness: though they do spring from the Holy Ghost himself, though they be such as are unchangeable, though they spring from Jesus Christ, and knit your souls in Union with him; yet trust not in the gifts themselves: the Lord layeth it down as the Apostasy of Israel, Ezekiel 16:14,15, Thy renown went forth among the Heathen, for thy beauty, for it was perfect through my comliness which I had put upon thee, saith the Lord God. But thou didst trust in thine own beauty, and playedst the Harlot, &c. Trust not therefore in any of these; but let all our confidence be in Jesus Christ, not in any of the gifts of his Spirit, whatsoever. For a little further opening of it.

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