2. There is difference also in the Rule whereby they are guided: though both seek to the Word of God, and take delight in that, insomuch as you shall not be able to difference them there, yet a great difference there is in the apprehension of the word: the one is so confident of the strength and comfort that he hath in the word, as he will be ready to take it at God’s hand, if he find not assistance from him, and acceptance before him. Now the other see their need they have of the Lord to maintain their strength and comfort for them: this manner of affection we find in David, when as the Lord had brought him and his people into a sweet frame and temper of spirit, to offer willingly towards the building of the Temple; what saith David now? doth he think this to be enough? No, no, But he prayeth to the Lord, 1 Chronicles 29:18, O Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, our Fathers, keep this for ever in the imagination of the thoughts of the heart of thy people, and prepare their heart unto thee: thus is he sensible, that these comforts and strength would soon fail them, and they should again wax barren and uncomfortable, if the Lord should not still keep them: and here is the nature of true strength and consolation in Christ, to look up unto the Lord to preserve and maintain it; and so he is still drawn nearer and nearer unto Jesus Christ.
But now, though both attend unto the Word, as their rule of Sanctification, if you take it in the way in which the one and the other hold it forth, yet there is a great difference. Then shall I not be ashamed, when I have respect unto all thy Commandments, Psalm 119:6. Here is a Rule: what may not Hypocrites walk according to this Rule? Truly they profess no less, and they think it is enough, if they have but a rule in their eye; and therefore under a Spirit of Bondage they are confident, and say, Whatsoever the Lord commandeth us, we will hear it, and do it, Deuteronomy 5:27, and what saith Balaam? Though Balak would give me an house full of Gold and Silver, I cannot go beyond the Commandment of the Lord, Numbers 22:18 and yet he loved the wages of iniquity: and indeed those that undertake so much in their own strength, they come afterward to be weary of the Lord, and weary of his Commandments; as Amos 8:5, When will the New Moon be gone, that we may sell Corn? and the Sabbath, that we may set forth Wheat? Gc. And they say at last, It is in vain to serve God; and what profit is it that we have kept his Ordinances?
Malachi 3:14. These are but like washed Swine, that will crop grass for a while in a fair Pasture;. but if you keep them long there, they will not delight in such manner of feeding, but will rather choose to go into the Mire, and into a jakes; (that I may so speak with reverence to the Assembly) but as for Goats, they will delight in the Commandments of the Lord, Isaiah 58:2. They delight to know my ways and delight in approaching unto God: It is not a very hard thing unto them, not grievous to keep solemn Fasting-days together; they come willingly, they delight to come, therefore the difference will hardly be discovered; and unless you be a Christian of a very clear discerning, you will not find the difference.
Objection: But an Hypocrite will not delight in all God’s Commandments: if you take Herod, he will delight in John Baptist’s preaching, and reform many things; but if it come to his not having his brother Philip’s Wife, then put John into Prison; and in the matter of Herodias, off with John’s head.
Answer: We see what Hypocrites profess, Deuteronomy 5:27, Whatsoever the Lord commandeth us, we will hear it and do it. But you will say, Not always: It is true, a difference in time will grow; but whilst they hold forth universal obedience, how will the difference be discerned? Discerned it will be when the Lord leadeth them forth with workers of iniquity; but many may be led on to their death before they can be discovered: and therefore what will the servant of God say? I have seen hypocrites (to outward view) well rooted, and more comfortable then I myself; and for zeal, and love, the Galatians would have plucked out their eyes to have done Paul good; they thought themselves blessed in his Ministry, blessed souls they took themselves to be: whereas the dear servants of God are slow to see so much goodness in themselves, they see so much corruption.
Objection: But you will say, An hypocrite cannot aim at God as his last end, but will out-shoot God in his own bow; and at the highest, he seeketh no more but his own salvation, without respect unto the glory of God in it.
Answer: It is true, and in time will appear, that every hypocrite thinketh to outreach God in all the gifts that he hath received: but in the mean while, it is much that an hypocrite will do; and so much, that a poor Christian will be put to much exercise, to find a difference between himself and them: Jehu did not only think that he had zeal for the Lord, as he said, Come see my zeal for the Lord of Hosts: but good Jonadab likewise did so persuade himself, and therefore did readily join with him in his reformation; and when he proclaimed a sacrifice for Baal, he thought that Jehu would do no harm to himself in the Temple of Baal. Thus therefore sometimes it cometh to pass; because an hypocrite may for a long time find all his own ends attained in seeking the glory of God, as Jehu did: but in conclusion, when a man and his own honour must part; then either he must hold to his own glory, or else he must neglect it, and keep him close to the honour of God: but in the mean time, what can I tell but that I may shake hands with, and bid farewell unto God’s glory, when his and mine lie at stake together?
Objection: But may not a man perceive a plain difference, when it cometh to Persecution?
Answer: No, persecution will not clear the difference; for though the stony ground indeed fell off upon point of Persecution, yet the thorny soil did not so. Many Papists have died for their Religion; and how much more then may some hypocrite do it for the Truth? yea, even give his body to be burned; and yet want Jesus Christ, and everlasting Salvation by him, 1 Corinthians 13:3. Now when a poor Christian cometh, and seeth how much such an one doth magnify God both in doing and suffering, and yet falleth away; it maketh him conclude, Surely I also shall at length turn away from the Lord. So that whether you look at the Root, or Rule, or Scope, and bent of holiness, an hypocrite will carry all things in so fair a way, that you shall hardly discover him to his very death; and when a Christian cometh to measure his own Sanctification by this man’s Sanctification, he will verily think the one to be as light as the other; and unless it be one that hath his wits well exercised, marvellous much ado he hath to clear himself in such a point as this. There be that think there is no reality in hypocritical sanctification; but certainly it is a real work, the gifts be real, though common Graces; and not mere counterfeit pretences: