I really pity you. You’ll be happier if you can leave your affairs to —-, and concentrate on worshiping GOD the rest of your life. There’s nothing He asks of us; a little remembrance from time to time; a little adoration; sometimes to pray for His grace, sometimes to offer up your sufferings; sometimes to thank Him for the grace He’s given you, and continues to give you, in spite of your troubles, and to console yourself with Him the oftenest you can. Lift up your heart to Him, sometimes even at meals or when you’re with friends: even a small gesture will be enough. You don’t have to cry so loud; He’s closer to us than we realize.
You don’t have to be at church all the time to be with God. You can create a place of prayer in your heart where you can retreat from time to time to pray or converse with Him in humility and love. Everyone can have a familiar conversation with God, some more, some less: He knows what we’re capable of. Let’s get started. He might expect just one generous resolution from us. Be brave. We don’t have much time left; you’re near sixty-four, I’m almost eighty. God willing, let’s live and die with Him. Our sufferings will be sweet and pleasant while we are with Him; and the greatest pleasures will be a terrible punishment without Him. Bless Him. Amen.
Then, gradually, get used to worshiping Him, asking for His grace, and offering your heart in the midst of your business, even every moment if you can. Don’t always be scrupulously obedient to rules, or particular forms of devotion, but trust in GOD, and act with love and humbleness. Please rest assured that —— has my prayers and that I’m their servant, especially
Yours in our LORD, &c.
The Practice of The Presence Of God: Study Journal with Spiritual Maxims Kindle Edition
3 in 1 – 30 days Study Journal – the actual book of Brother Lawrence, the Practice of the Presence of God and the Spiritual Maxims