It has been difficult for me to write to Mr. —-, and I do so now simply because you and Madam —- desire it. Please write the directions and send them to him as soon as possible. You have a very trusting relationship with GOD. I wish that God would increase that trust in you more and more. We cannot have too much faith in such a gracious and faithful Friend, who will never fail us in this world or the next.
When Mr. — takes advantage of the loss he has had, and puts all his trust in GOD, He will soon provide him with another friend, more powerful and more qualified to serve him. GOD disposes of hearts as He pleases. There is a possibility that Mr. —— was too attached to him, so he lost him. Our friendships should be loved, but not at the expense of God, whose love must come first.
Remember what I have recommended to you, which is to think often about GOD by day, by night, in your business, and even in your diversions. He is always near you and with you: do not leave Him alone. If you would consider it rude to leave a friend alone when he comes to visit, why should God be left alone? So, do not forget Him, but think of Him often, adore Him constantly, and live and die with Him. This is the glorious work of a Christian. This is our profession; if we don’t know it, we must learn it. In the name of our LORD, I will strive to assist you with my prayers
Yours, &c.
The Practice of The Presence Of God: Study Journal with Spiritual Maxims Kindle Edition
3 in 1 – 30 days Study Journal – the actual book of Brother Lawrence, the Practice of the Presence of God and the Spiritual Maxims