About Me
From Disdain to Complete Devotion: Finding Fulfillment in Faith
In the past, I held a strong hatred towards Christians, particularly Protestants. I saw them as brainwashed and incapable of independent thoughts. I labeled them as a menace, a cult, and desperate for validation. However, life has a funny way of changing our perspectives, as I now find myself completely devoted to God.
During my childhood, Roman Catholicism was ingrained in me as the one true religion passed down by Christ himself. My childhood was steeped in Catholicism with early mornings at church, hymns, and the allure of a mysterious sanctuary. I worshipped Mary with every fiber of my being along with those statutes. I truly believed they had power. I cherished the rituals every Sunday, immersing myself in the sacred atmosphere filled with exotic scents, resonating bells, and ornate gold cups.
In my late teens years disillusionment took hold of me. I grew distant from Christianity, yearning for something more powerful than myself. This sentiment only intensified in my early thirties, as I found myself trapped in a verbal and physical abusive marriage with a narcissist spouse completely devoid of reality due to alcohol. I felt utterly alone, and I still don’t understand how I managed to keep my sanity while living with an irrational human being.
Twenty-five years ago, I finally found the courage to leave. Within six months I found myself in a protestant Church where I was invited in. I went through the process, and even though I was baptized within four months after joined the Church, I still did not want to give into that brainwashing mentality. However, everything changed for me about five years after I joined the Church. I finally had an encounter with Christ for the first time. God began to work within me. Ironically, He asked me to make a full surrender which I obeyed since I was tired of living a dead Christian life through my own efforts.
Before I had time to realize what was happening to me, I was led to the wilderness God’s transformative work in me, mirrored the principles outlined in the book “ABANDONMENT TO DIVINE PROVIDENCE.” Because of this great transformation where I can truly say and know through the depth of my soul what Paul meant when he penned Galatians 2:20.
I have become what some would call an abnormal Christian, but in reality, it is what God calls simply, “Christianity.” My gratitude to Him has catapulted to the highest level and became the key to a fervent union with my Lord. This isn’t a superficial concept but a profound acknowledgment of Christ’s sacrifice, leading to divine repentance that brought me face to face with who I am and my needs for Him. Recognizing the vastness of His love, my heart underwent a profound transformation during the years spent in the wilderness with Him. This led me to embark on a devoted journey, captivated by the substance of who my Savior and Redeemer is about.
The key to igniting a passionate relationship with God lies in the power of gratitude for the privilege of having been chosen and loved by Him. I’m not referring to a superficial sense of gratitude, but rather a heartfelt appreciation that compels one to risk everything for the sake of the Gospel, the Kingdom of God, and His glory. This level of gratitude can only be experienced through divine repentance.
Galatians 2:20 “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.”